Why you should shop with the seasons…

With the advancement of technology and the year-round availability of most produce, sourcing ingredients has become easier than ever. However, despite the luxury of availability, it may not be the smartest option for a variety reasons regarding cost, health, and taste.


Sourcing in-season and local produce helps boost the economy. When you're shopping for produce that has been grown, picked, and driven to your local grocery store, local farms are thriving and in turn, creating more jobs and tax revenue. In turn, workers are reinvesting in their community.


Because in-season produce is picked ripe, you'll get more nutritional value. Fruits and vegetables generally take time until late stages of ripening to develop all of those health benefits. Most fruits and vegetables picked out-of-season and under-ripe will lack nutritional benefits.


Seasonal produce tastes significantly better. Produce that is in season generally gets picked ripe, meaning it can't travel as long and far without spoiling. This means the in-season produce you'll find at your grocery store most likely came from a farm closer to where you live.


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